
When fair season approaches and the excitement builds, making sure you have high-quality show feeds is essential. At Sparta Feed & Seed, we might just have exactly what you are looking for! With our extensive range of premium Sunglo and ADM products, we can support your animals throughout the entire season, ensuring they are healthy, happy, and ready to shine!

Show Animals

Sunglo Full Tank

Sunglo S’more FIll

Sunglo Milk It!

Sunglo Explode

Sunglo 18G

Sunglo 16G





Senior Complete

At Sparta Feed & Seed, we proudly offer an extensive range of great feeds, including our own unique and special custom mixes, designed to meet all your specific needs. Whether you’re caring for cattle, pigs, horses, chickens, turkeys, goats, or cute rabbits, we have just the right feed to keep your animals healthy and happy. Plus, we have a selection of options for those looking for non-GMO and organic feeds!
